Who We Are

About Us

Professionals Beis Medrash (PBM) is a carefully constructed adult education programme. It is designed for those who wish to improve their ability and build independence in the study of classical Jewish texts.

PBM currently offers courses on Gemara, Mishna, Parsha, Business case- studies, Prayer and Hebrew grammar. PBM is suitable for those who are just starting out or who would like to build on existing skills. There are multiple tracks of shiurim tailored to meet the specific requirements of participants.
PBM started out with its now, flagship Gemara course. The success of this program was down to its highly-structured approach, designed to maximise the progress made in each weekly session. Each session focuses on a short piece of text introduced by relevant background information followed by an opportunity to study the text with a partner.

The session ends with a recap and summary shiur of what was covered during partner study time. An emphasis is placed on the skills and methodology that can be learned from the text covered in that session.

A unique feature of the PBM Gemara course is the innovative course folder that accompanies the learning sessions. The folders are comprehensive in their coverage of background information, vocabulary, keywords, diagrams, flowcharts and revision questions. It also includes outline notes for each shiur. The material is intended to facilitate preparation before the shiur and to assist in reviewing afterwards.

The goal of PBM is certainly ambitious. Developing the skills to study
independently requires commitment and focus. However it is also immensely rewarding and enjoyable. PBM can help you meet the challenge.

PBM is suitable for all ages and backgrounds.

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Sample material

We currently offer the following courses. Click on a course to see a sample

Gemara Level 1 – Background & Methodology
Gemara Level 2 – Fluency & Fundamentals
Gemara Level 3 – Expert
Parsha – Bringing the text alive
Case Studies
Tefilla & Grammar